The Forager's Code
When in doubt, throw it out!
Never pick more than you can eat or preserve.
Do not harvest mushrooms that are too young, or too old.
Use a knife while picking mushrooms(or pinch and twist, don't pluck or pull) so you will not destroy the mycelium, or dirty your yield.
Don't eat a mushroom that is not in good condition or that smells bad.
Always ask permission to pick mushrooms on private land, and always check to make sure it is legal on public land.
Remember to utilize public lands in your region open to mushroom picking include designated parks, wildlife management areas, and forests.
Eat wild mushrooms only when cooked thoroughly and only in moderation, especially if you're trying one for the first time, as overindulging can cause symptoms similar to mushroom poisoning.
If, after eating wild mushrooms, you notice any symptoms of poisoning, immediatly visit a doctor with a sample of the mushroom you have eaten.